Stark County – November 2018. Below is a brief description of the services that can assist in the process of seeking shelter. Homeless men receive hot showers, meals, clothing, and access to counseling in a safe and clean dormitory-style shelter. Learn what local resources are available to help young people complete their education and prepare for success in adulthood. All residents should have access to safe and effective health care, regardless of age or income. Homeless Hotline 330-452-4363. It is important to contact them everyday for openings in a major homeless shelter. BY SUBMITTING YOUR INFORMATION IN OUR EASY FORM! In its essence, hope is the realization that there is something better than events experienced and time spent in seemingly hopeless situations. We provide services to families and individuals without discrimination. Tough times happen. This year, and every year, the need is especially great for families to ring the bells at one of the Salvation Army kettle locations. That action is part of the mission of the Next Level Homeless Support program which is run by CommQuest staff members Amy Hooser and Pastor Gil Goodwin. Donations are tax-deductible and personal checks can be mailed to: Stark County, OH Homeless Shelters Stark County, OH list of housing resources we have uncovered: Homeless Shelters, Supportive Housing, Halfway Housing, Transitional Housing, Day Shelters, Low Income Housing, Residential Alcohol and Drug Treatment Centers. The Homeless Continuum of Care of Stark County (HCCSC) is a coalition of individuals and organizations committed to ending homelessness in Stark County, Ohio. Domestic Violence Project (Canton/Massillon) 330-453-7233 The number is 330-452-4363. Shelter Listings is dedicated to serving the homeless and low-income. Find 86 listings related to Stark County Homeless Hotline in Canton on CHOOSE HOW YOU’D LIKE TO VOLUNTEER 420 Market Ave S, Canton, OH 44702. 2020 Event Cancelled Due to Covid-19 Restrictions Date & Time:  December 24th,  2019 – 12:00pm to 3:00pm. Students who are homeless may struggle with academic and behavioral problems at school. Look for their names to be added to this list in the coming days. Marlboro Christian Church 9383 Edison Street NE Alliance, Ohio 44601-9712 Phone – (330) 935-2161 The center has free Christmas meals to the less fortunate. In 2016 a man died from exposure on a park bench. A young person may want to leave home for many reasons. Whether you need baby, back-to-school, professional or everyday clothing, clothing resources are available here at home. Whether it’s a homeless family looking for shelter or an individual seeking addiction treatment, in-house recovery services often require documentation at the time of intake. Visit our COVID-19 page for more information and available resources. However, population data shows 28% of people there are living either below the poverty line or surviving paycheck to paycheck. Canton, OH December 9, 2019. In an effort to help homeless Ohioians during the coronavirus spread, the Northeast Ohio Coalition for the Homeless is asking for Clevelanders to consider donating to … Registration begins on Oct 1, 2020. Homeless Services. Shelter Listings is dedicated to serving the homeless and low-income. Poverty, hunger, and homelessness are major concerns in Stark County. Tuscarawas County, OH Homeless Shelters Tuscarawas County, OH list of housing resources we have uncovered: Homeless Shelters, Supportive Housing, Halfway Housing, Transitional Housing, Day Shelters, Low Income Housing, Residential Alcohol and Drug Treatment Centers. While most of our food and items are donated, there are some hard costs. If you or a loved one needs help managing Social Security funds, pension checks or veteran’s benefits, support is available. DONATE FOOD There are many services located in Stark County that serve the needs of individuals and families who are homeless or about to be homeless. The agency is currently renovating two other buildings on the property at 2832 34th St. NE that also will serve Stark County homeless veterans. She has been a peer specialist for 5 years. They are more prone to high expulsion and suspension rates and less likely to complete high school. You are on the front line! Fortunately, there are many local organizations in Stark County committed to lifting up community members in times of hardship. Transitional housing programs - Households that are facing eviction or the homeless in Stark County Ohio can receive shelter, short term housing, case management, and other support. Learn more about Stark County volunteer organizations in cause areas like education, crisis support, homeless & housing, and more. The homeless, senior citizens, children, and working poor from Stark County can all get help. Please help us make a difference for the homeless. This year's point-in-time count recorded five fewer people who were homeless in Stark County. In addition, we help place families and individuals in privately owned housing via rent vouchers. With your help Refuge of Hope can continue to provide the vital services needed for those who live in … If you are homeless or at risk of becoming homeless, please contact your local 2-1-1 hotline or learn about other resources on our How to Get Help page. We always need folks to  donate a cooked ham or donate drinks, side dishes and desserts. Marvin reported that the Point and Time Count was a huge success! For Stark County families to grow stronger and healthier, it is important that all children, teens and young adults have the support they need to maintain their emotional well-being. They might be rebelling against their parents or fleeing a dangerous family setting. But unfortunately, couch surfing or living on the streets could increase the likelihood of exploitation and other dangerous situations. On average, consumers rate independent living in Stark County 4.4 out … Drop off locations for gloves, mittens & hats wherever there is a Salvation Army Red Kettle in the Canton area. You will be taken to PayPal*— where you can safely and securely donate* by credit card or check. There are hundreds of mental health, substance use and trauma recovery resources available here in Stark County, including individual, family and faith-based services. The average cost of independent living in Stark County is $2,468 per month. The number is 330-452-4363. Specialists offer the use of computers to Stark County families too. See reviews, photos, directions, phone numbers and more for Stark County Homeless Hotline locations in Canton, OH. At Stark Help Central, we have a vision for the future of Stark County where every child, parent, friend and neighbor has the resources to overcome challenges and achieve their full potential. Call the Crisis Hotline if you are in crisis: 330-452-6000. Thank You everyone Who Volunteered to Help on Christmas Eve! There are 106 organizations in the Stark County area with volunteer opportunities waiting to be filled. The Stark County Homeless Council (SCHC) is a coalition of various health and human service nonprofit organizations, government entities, and community leaders committed to addressing homelessness in Stark County, Ohio. Volunteers set up tables, cook or serve meals, clean up, or distribute clothing to those in need. Reach Kelli Weir at Registration will begin Oct. 1, 2021. For families and young people with limited income, affordable housing may seem out of reach. Stark County businessman pivots after no one shows up for Massillon meal giveaway 23 December 2020 Local businessman Charles Danzy III wanted to lend a hand this holiday season so he arranged to provide a home-cooked meal and warm hats and gloves to local veterans. FOOD SERVER December 24, 2019 Young people between the ages of 18 and 25 can face significant obstacles as they move toward independent living. Serving the food to each person who comes through the line! Find local organizations providing assistance to Stark County residents as they allocate money for clothing, food, housing, medical expenses, personal care items, rehabilitation and utilities. Whether you are a young person looking for a part-time job, a parent who is out of work or an individual with disabilities planning for independence, resources are available to help you navigate the job search. As of January 2019, Ohio had an estimated 10345 experiencing homelessness on any given day, as reported by Continuums of Care to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). It’s how we respond to them that matters. Find the best places to volunteer in Stark County. Call United Way of Greater Stark County’s 2-1-1 resource line to check if a location is open and offering services. We’ve set up a very simple and SAFE online donation system. We call these people "The least of the least of these." The Agency has built on early successes and now provides outreach, housing support services, and affordable permanent housing options to nearly 300 households in Stark County, Ohio. Human Services Links & Resources Community Services and Information. There was "No room at the INN for him." We are saddened to announce that due to Covid-19, our 2020 event has been cancelled– Thanks to all of our volunteer organizations and individuals who helped to get the word out to the area homeless! It’s a great way for parents and their children to have a wonderful time together—- and make a difference in the lives of those who are struggling and in need this holiday season! Is your family in need of financial support? The Stark County Homeless Hotline operates 24/7. Some populations increased or decreased slightly, but … Your donations, large and small, are welcome. Find local organizations dedicated to providing access to food and nutrition for youth of all ages. The Stark County Homeless Management Information System (HMIS) is a data collection system utilizing a single point of entry (the Homeless Hotline, 330-452-4363) for clients in need of emergency shelter or other homeless services. Phone: (330) 452-4363 Its members include health and human services agencies, nonprofit organizations, representatives of local government, and concerned citizens. Register here to become a volunteer to work in the Kitchen with food preparation, serving food, and bell-ringing during our 2021 event. Thanks so much  for caring! Home / Youth life stages / Young adults: ages 18 to 25 / Homeless & housing: young adults. Twice a month Amy and Gil go out into the community with lunches and care packages prepared by BRIGHT House clients, embarking on engaging with homeless throughout Stark County. Share the Warmth Fund 12n p.m. until 3 p.m. A Family Christmas Eve is a partnership of many community-minded organizations and individuals in Stark County. The Homeless Hotline (330-452-4363) is the central point of access for the homeless for shelters and housing programs in Stark County. For young people who find themselves falling behind or choosing between paying rent, utilities, food or medical bills, it may be time to reach out for assistance. Domestic Violence. Simply choose the amount you’d like to give from the drop-down menu, OR, you can write in your own amount in the box below. Hope is a fragile thing. This is lower than the national median of $2,490.Cheaper nearby regions include Mahoning County with an average starting cost of $1,334. One building will serve up to eight male veterans. Program Descriptions. Please take note, the homeless hotline will place you in a major shelter which has various resources, including counseling, evaluations, funding etc.. to help you rise out of homelessness. Whether you are aging out of foster care or struggling to achieve self-sufficiency with limited resources, you are not alone and help is available. After an initial assessment review, individuals are referred to community shelters and other local housing programs. Many other organizations will be on site that day to pass out literature and offer their services! ... She currently resides in Hamilton, Ohio. To help you with your search, browse the 27 reviews below for independent living communities in Stark County. Whether you are looking for a local hot meal program or need help applying for public food assistance, resources are available. Or get referrals from the Ohio Benefit Bank. This is a busy place! If you need cash, food or medical assistance, reach out for help today. We will begin planning the 2021 event within in January. Stark County veterans needing temporary housing can contact Family & Community Services’ homeless veteran hotline at 1-855-234-7310. Addressing the mental…. If so, please contact the Homeless … Discover local programs committed to helping Stark County residents make progress toward financial security. The Salvation Army Get started with local resources for basic needs and emotional support. We plan on coming back in 2021! Financial hardship can be a key contributor to homelessness. A Family Christmas Eve Stark County, Ohio, has no shelter for some that are addicted. f: (330) 453-9774 Website. If you are a teen, young adult or the parent of a young child, affordable, quality care is within your reach. This Christmas Eve Day, Share The…, Would you consider Volunteering to be a Bell-Ringer for…, Your Prepared  Ham, Side Dish or Dessert Will Make a Difference…, Salvation Army: (330) 453-0159 Emal:,,, Salvation Army and A Family Christmas Eve join to Share the Warmth with area homeless again on Christmas Eve Day,, A New Family Tradition: Become a Bell-Ringer for the Salvation Army,, © Copyright - Share the Warmth - Stark County, A Special Christmas Eve Dinner for the Homeless and near-homeless of Stark County, Hair stylists, nail technicians, makeup, massage therapists. Learn about local resources and apartment communities that offer low-rent or subsidized housing in Stark County. Of that Total, 999 were family households, 676 were Veterans, 643 were unaccompanied young adults (aged 18-24), and 874 were individuals experiencing chronic homelessness. There are hundreds of mental health, substance use and trauma recovery resources available here in Stark County, including individual, family and faith-based services. ICAN Housing manages multiple housing sites across Stark County that comprises many types of housing units. About 2,800 people will become homeless in Stark County in 2015, according to the Homeless Continuum of Care. Re-heating the food, slicing the turkeys & ham, washing dishes, etc. p: (330)453-0159 There is not a shelter designated for the homeless in Medina County. Find local organizations dedicated to lifting up local families in times of need. Everyone faces difficult times at one point or another. About 2,800 people in Stark County … As the Veteran’s Affairs Supportive Housing (VASH) coordinator for SMHA, Marvin works with organizations such as ICAN, the Homeless Coalition, and the local VA to support the chronically homeless in Stark County. Get the medical, dental, prescription or mental health coverage you need for a happy and healthy tomorrow. Looking for help, but not sure where to turn? J was homeless “off and on” for six years. 420 Market Avenue South Project Homeless Connect Event When: August 19, 2014 Where: Canton Civic Center 1101 Market Ave N. Canton, Ohio 44702 Time: 10:00a - 3:00p Do you need transportation to the PHC Annual Making a Difference for Stark County event? Canton, Ohio 44702 A department of the Stark County Mental Health & Addiction Recovery, the Stark County Homeless Hotline operates 24 hours per day, referring callers to appropriate shelters and other programs for the homeless or those at risk of homelessness after conducting an initial assessment interview. The National Alliance to End Homelessness does not provide direct services such as housing or case management. If you have any suggestions to help improve our event,  please fill out the form below: Location:  The Canton Salvation Army –  420 Market Avenue South   Canton, Ohio 44702 KITCHEN HELP Location: The Canton Salvation Army – 420 Market Avenue South Canton, Ohio 44702 Date & Time: December 24th, 2019 – 12:00pm to 3:00pm A Special Christmas Eve Dinner for the Homeless and near-homeless of Stark County Since 1988, ICAN Housing has served homeless persons with mental illness, some of whom are also battling Substance Use Disorders (SUDs). For Stark County families to grow stronger and healthier, it is important that all children, teens and young adults have the support they need to maintain their emotional well-being. If you or someone you know is in need of clothing assistance in Stark County, there is a network of community resources you can turn to for support. Unfortunately, one in four children in Stark County is not sure where their next meal will come from. Family & Community Services operates 130 housing sites for homeless veterans in Ohio, including Freedom House in Kent and Valor Home in Akron. , senior citizens, children, and access to food homeless in stark county ohio items are donated, there are some hard.... Organizations will be taken to PayPal * — where you can safely and securely donate * credit. Contact family & Community services and Information and available resources of the least of the least of services... 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