The tip of your reed should get gradually thinner towards the top, so clipping off the tip should leave you with a thicker part of the tip. Hold the top joint securely while you insert the reed, being careful not to grip the keys. The hardness or heaviness of a reed is very often mistaken for response. Only use your air. In general, if a reed is too hard for me, I might scrape more cane out of the blend area or scrape more out of the top and bottom corners of the tip. By clipping the reed, the reed became more open. Just try to sound your best with what you got and try to find ways to improve. And then some reeds will just be bad—I expect to just throw away one or two out of every ten reeds (but keep the staple of course). Sometimes, fixing the opening of a reed can make the response closer to your preferences. Student model oboes are often made from plastic resin, to avoid instrument cracking to which wood instruments are prone, but also to make the instrument more economical. This kind of response is mostly from how the tip is scraped and how the reed is balanced. Push the reed all the way into the oboe, until the reed will not go any farther. Repeat for 2-3 days and the reed should feel great. Even better, try to have a bunch of reeds at various stages of completion. 3. Full HD Download available @ Watch François Leleux make an oboe reed from scratch. The best reeds do not need to be fussed over! Language. Check to make sure the ends and corners of the tip are as thin as you can make them. But, because reeds are unpredictable and can change based on the weather, you will want to have a variety of reeds ready. Some oboists prefer to play on harder reeds, but that shouldn't affect the response. It truly is an amazing course that covers everything about reed making. It the edge gets feathered, clip it a bit. This means my embouchure might get tired a little more quickly as I play on it. My favourite staples all have thin metal, but the also have different conical properties, so I was never able to compare different walls alone. Playing oboe is strenuous for sure, and oboe reed making for personal use is not for the faint of heart. OK, even though you can only play on one reed at a time, you never know what will happen to that reed. You can also look at the transitions between the tip, heart, and windows. May 19, 2020 - Pins involving all things oboe reed making found on the internet. See more ideas about Oboe, Oboe reeds, Oboe reed. I hope you may find your way to where I have more information about oboe r Pitch (sharp or flat or change depending on note) 4. This article will help you diagnose, adjust & hopefully fix the following factors with your oboe reeds: 1. Taking more cane off of the heart and windows will make the reed respond more easily in the low register, but if you take too much off the reed will go flat. Try the reed in the oboe starting the notes without the tongue. Aug 20, 2018 - Explore Andrea Oosterhouse's board "Oboe" on Pinterest. We often see Hard, Soft, or Medium reeds advertised, or we will say that our own reeds are too hard or too easy. Check out the oboe reed measurements page to see how I make my reeds. Some reeds will only ever be OK, so use those to practice on. If your oboe is not adjusted properly, you might try to scrape too much cane out of the reed. For example, a reed can be hard (or heavy) and still be responsive in the low register. Tiffany DiPiazza on holding the reed and scraping the back. While you are crowing, you should also try to feel if the reed is vibrating into the heart and windows. Reviews . Soak the reed for 1-2 minutes. Just slowly move one finger at a time and make sure each note slurs and responds just as easily as going between a B and an A.). Share This Course: Affiliation & Supplies. Make better reeds. There are times when I make a batch of reeds that all seem to die within a few days, but then the reeds that were too hard at first are still useful. I also try to carry with me a bunch of reeds in various stages of being finished, meaning I try to carry some blanks, some half-finished, some newly finished, and one or two old reeds. An oboe reed is made from shaving down an actual cane reed. Play for a short practice session focusing on fundamentals you know well. There are many different ideas out there as far as how an oboist should make reeds. Try just playing your reed (a crow and/or a peep) and try starting the sound with as little air as possible and see what happens when you slowly increase your air. I love this course! Learning to make oboe reeds is a very big endeavor to undertake and has always been extremely difficult and time consuming to learn. There are many benefits to a sharp reed knife including…. I wasn't sure at first if it was too long, but comparing it to the reeds the other players in my section use, there is a noticeable difference. This will put you in a cycle where you feel like your reeds are not responding well enough, so then you will scrape extra cane off…which makes the reed go flat…then you clip the reed to bring the pitch up…which makes the reed less responsive…so then you scrape more cane off…which makes the reed go flat…etc. In this post, I want to go through how I think about response and easiness levels in my reeds. Place your reed into the top of the oboe, holding the base of the top joint. On my reeds, I basically scrape what some people call a 'super tip'. I love the fact that I can go at my own pace. But, because reeds are unpredictable and can change based on the weather, you will want to have a variety of reeds ready. Details and insight. There are some halls and rehearsal rooms that I have played in that required a heavier reed. With this oboe reed lesson, you can become a more consistent reed maker. For an oboe reed to work at it's best (vibrate at its optimum level) it needs the be correctly balanced. Flexibility (sound and dynamics) 3. I have been taught how to make oboe reeds the old fashioned way- and it took years of training, frustration, and persistence, just to get it right for me. You can also try crowing the reed to see how little air it needs to start vibrating. You won’t have as much tension in your wrists, shoulders, arms, or back. Your reeds will also over-soak if you are working on them too long. Moving between a B and an A should feel the same as moving from an A to a G, and from G to F#, and F# to E, and so on. It happens! Members can check out these posts on fixing a reed that is. There are some halls and rehearsal rooms that I have played in that required a heavier reed. Clipping the tip brings the pitch up, but makes the reed less responsive. More than one way to make an oboe reed - Duration: 4:59. Ok, yes, you need to have a few very good reeds for a concert or audition. For me, I make my reeds to be as responsive as possible while still maintaining some restraint to the tone. Some pieces of cane and some reeds will simply come out harder or softer than others. Ok, yes, you need to have a few very good reeds for a concert or audition. While there are some tricks you can do to make the reed more open or closed (like simply squeezing it open or shut), you might want to keep a few reeds that are too open or closed just in case they change! 27. If you are having a problem with your reed(s) the first step should Also included is my guide to scraping oboe reeds that is available for download. In order to make the reed more responsive, thin the tip! Try not to scrape on a reed for more than 20 minutes at a time. The easiest way to scrape is to place the reed on a mandrel for easy handling. […] How To Make Oboe Reeds (Tim Feil): Reed Response […], The size of the reed opening can also be mistaken for hardness. The sound shouldn't jump out but rather crescendo gradually. My oboe reed making philosophy I think it may be helpful for customers to understand my thoughts on oboe reeds, reed making, and playing the oboe to get an idea of how my reeds may work for the individual purchasing them from me. The tip (especially at the top and sides) should be scraped thin enough to easily start the sound. . That will waste time and make your reeds worse the next day. I think some of us have slightly different definitions of words like 'response' or 'medium-hard reed'. Pieces by Bach require more restraint in your sound, but you would still want the reed to respond easily and not be too tiring to play on. Check out this post with my reed making measurements here. Table of Contents for All Reed Making Posts | How To Make Oboe Reeds, Favorite blog posts, December 2020 | Bret Pimentel, woodwinds. An easy test is to play the middle B (with just your first finger), then slur down to an A, then G, and see if each note responds just as easily as the previous note. The oboe is constructed such that there is a piece of cork wrapped around part of it, and the cork is inserted into the upper section of the instrument. I try to leave a spine going up the center of the tip. Maybe I'll fuss with those reeds a little bit and try to get them closer to what I play on, but I still like to have a few reeds that are a bit different. A great alternative to the S reeds. You will have more control over your scrape, The tone quality and response of your reeds will improve. Maybe keep one old reed that used to be good in case of an emergency, and then a few newly finished reeds that are not broken in. If you try working on an over-soaked reed, you will try to fix problems that aren’t really there. Ideally, this should work as you go down to an F#, E, D, C, low B, and low Bb. For example, creating more separation between the tip and the heart and between the heart and windows will tend to open up the reed which might improve the response in the low register. In this video we go step-by-step through the process of making an American-Scrape Oboe Reed. £6.59 £ 6. Sometimes, fixing the opening of a reed can make the response closer to your preferences. This means that the reed should have the same thickness of cane on both front and back blades and on each half of both blades (see diagram, left). Try adjusting the opening of the reed to make it easier (or harder) to play and to change the pitch of the peep crow. Will these resolutions last until the end of the year? 6% coupon applied at checkout Save 6% with voucher (limited sizes/colours) Get it Sunday, Dec 6. 3.9 out of 5 stars 3. I try not to let myself mess up any more than three reeds at a time. In other words, before you decide to clip the tip, make sure that the reed is overly responsive. For an oboe reed to work at it's best (vibrate at its optimum level) it needs the be correctly balanced; the reed should have the same thickness of cane on both front and back blades and on each half of both blades (see diagram, left).. There are claims that thin metal helps make the reed more responsive. The reed turned out fine, but I did create more work for myself. If your knife isn’t as sharp as possible, take the time to sharpen it before scraping your reeds. 1. (Note: While this is a reed making blog, keep in mind that your oboe needs to be in impeccable adjustment. Pieces by Stravinsky might call for a more aggressive attack. In this video Tess and Suzanne show you how to wrap the oboe reed. 59 £8.13 £8.13. I tend to play on light reeds, but I look for 'restraint' or 'cushion' in the response. I heard from a pianist that he likes to warm up pretending like he is underwater so that when he warms up, his movement is slower and more deliberate with a lot of 'restraint' in his motion, just like how someone would move if they were underwater. The reed … Sometimes the reed that is too heavy will be just what you need if you are playing in a black box theater with very dry acoustics. Some people like to play with harder reeds than other people, but having a variety of reeds can help you in situations that are atypical. The reed may also become less responsive. I basically use that template for most of my reeds, and then some reeds end up being a little harder or softer, or darker or brighter in sound, or have a bigger or smaller opening. Don’t be afraid to pinch down a well soaked reed to make the tip opening more manageable. or at least until February? I had an oboe reed handmade for me and the reed itself is very good and responsive, but the cork of the reed is too long, essentially making everything I play sound flat, even when pushed in all the way. The restraint in the reed comes partly from leaving enough cane in the center of the tip. Think about your reeds in the same way where you wouldn't want to lightly play and have the dynamic come out as a fortissimo. I want you to have a reed that is responsive, but still gives you something to blow against. You are investing more in a handmade reed for a reed maker to be able to control these variables so you get better results. Reeds can be really open when they are brand new. There are times when I make a batch of reeds that all seem to die within a few days, but then the reeds that were too hard at first are still useful. But, it can be a good thing to have a few reeds that are a little bit different! Some people might see this topic differently than I do, or adjust their reeds differently, so this is just how I handle my reeds. If a reed needs to be broken-in, I like to play the opening page of Don Juan by Richard Strauss because the high notes with all the fast articulations can help break it in quicker. Maybe you'll notice some variation, but try to pin point a normal range. There are times when we are playing more modern pieces where the composer asks for a very aggressive attack, but most of the time, we try to find some balance in our playing between playing too aggressively and too restrained. It was once said that "it takes a barrel of failed reeds to get good at it". If you're not sure how long your usually are, you might want to check all your best reeds to see if they are a particular length. Maybe not everyone reading this has driven a car, but you wouldn't want to tap the accelerator and have the car go 90 mph, but instead, you would want to have the control to ease on the accelerator to increase your speed. Sometimes people refer to reeds as being too easy or too light. Generally clip as little as possible. This course goes step by step teaching you how to make reeds. This includes helpful articles, diagrams, and more. Time will tell. If you are making your own reeds, then also have some blanks and partially finished reeds that you can try to finish in a pinch. As you add more air, the reed should get louder evenly and not in big jumps or spurts. Also, the heart and windows should be balanced so that they are not so thick that the reed doesn't vibrate, and of course, not too thin that the reed is flat and too 'loose' in how it responds. By having some restraint to our sound, it will improve the tone quality. The tip should be scraped thin enough to easily start the sound. Lessons. It's easy to say quality is more important than quantity, but be careful with that saying because you also need a large quantity of reeds just in case something changes. If your reed isn’t working, don’t feel as though you’ve somehow gotten worse at playing the oboe overnight. When clipping with either a knife or razor blade, hold the reed in one hand, and the knife in the other. Struggling with your reed making? Reeds are listed here in order of most free-blowing to most resistant: M – Very free-blowing, long tip, larger aperture in general, responds well to a firm embouchure. Members can check out these posts on fixing a reed that is too open and too closed. Tone (does it make a nice sound) 5. Maybe I'll fuss with those reeds a little bit and try to get them closer to what I play on, but I still like to have a few reeds that are a bit different. Yes, I've made good reeds with my Mack+ shaper tip at 70.5 or 68.5 mm, but it's rare. Duration. I make oboe reeds primarily by the crow of the oboe reed. The oboe has an extremely narrow conical bore. The reed also needs to be balanced so that the heart isn't too thick compared to the tip or windows. to see how I make my reeds. I basically use that template for most of my reeds, and then some reeds end up being a little harder or softer, or darker or brighter in sound, or have a bigger or smaller opening. 4:59. And of course, if you have any thoughts, feel free to comment or send a message! This will help to make the reed less wild … The reed, in turn, is the voice box of the oboe—and the tiniest tweak in a double reed changes an oboe’s sound significantly. Skill Level. For me, response means that if I try to play a low C, middle C, and high C, all notes in all registers should play on command. That might depend on the composer, the hall, or our colleagues with the exact type of action or attack we are looking for on each note. oboe reed making does not stop at the reed desk. To test the response, you can try playing the low, middle, and high Cs and C#s to make sure each note responds similarly. Just move one finger at a time and make sure each note slurs and responds just as easily as going between a B and an A. It's easy to say quality is more important than quantity, but be careful with that saying because you also need a large quantity of reeds just in case something changes. Bring the reed to your mouth - not your mouthto the reed . PierreRoyOboe 14,183 views. There shouldn't be any sputtering or rolling tones in the lower octave, and the upper octave should respond cleanly. You never know what you'll need because you won't necessarily know how a reed breaks in. If you've scraped too much out of one area, you can't add cane back on, but you can try rebalancing the reed and make every other part else thinner by comparison. for the reeds I make for myself I continue to thin the very tip of the reed and the sides of the tip. It is important to use as many adjectives as we can to describe our reeds (and our playing too) to help zero in on the precise problem. REED . Soft reeds lead to saggy pitch and short lifespan. An oboe reed should have a ‘C’ peep crow, and a bassoon reed should have an ‘E’ peep crow — use your tuner. I continue to thin directly behind the heart and balance to that adjustment by clipping the tip and again thinning the sides of the tip. If your oboe is not adjusted properly, you might try to scrape too much cane out of the reed. Scrape the tip in an upward motion (toward the folded tip). See more ideas about Oboe reed making, Oboe, Oboe reed. The oboe reeds for beginners that are chosen must play in tune, with proper residence for the specific student.The oboe reed should also be responsive so the student can articulate notes softly or loudly in all registers of the instrument. If a reed does not respond very well in the low register, I would consider that an unresponsive reed, not necessarily a hard reed. The two reeds are placed face-to-face and are strapped to the metal pipe with strings. All. Make your reed quickly and efficiently. 2. FREE Delivery on your first order shipped by Amazon. The very top of the tip is scraped as thin as possible, and then I balance the rest of the tip from there so that it gradually gets thicker towards the bottom and the center. For example, creating more separation between the tip and the heart and between the heart and windows will tend to open up the reed which might improve the response in the low register. Using the information above, you can adjust the reed to fit you. Here are 5 reed making resolutions for 2021. Work the reed in this manner until you feel your reed is scraped to your needs. Leaking (air escaping) 20+ Videos. Oboe bell should be down just above knees . You could always chip it against your tooth by accident, or maybe it will crack, or maybe it will just change because of the weather. 2:00. The reed goes into what’s called the bore, which is a very small hole at the tip of the oboe. Often reed makers have the thumb of the hand holding the reed resting on the knife to have more control right where the knife is scraping. This is just the visualization I like to use for the terms 'restraint' and 'cushion'. The crow allows me to build the function into the reed away from the control of the embouchure. It takes longer to finish the reed, but your results are worth it. With my reeds, I get this kind of response mostly from how the tip is scraped and how the reed is balanced. If I make three bad reeds in a row, it’s probably time for a break (or most likely it’s time to sharpen my knife). 5.0 out of 5 stars 1. Learn More about the M Style Reed. If there is a problem with a reed being too open or closed, it should be addressed directly. Keep the reed in the case for storage; Soak the reed again and play for longer practice sessions or rehearsals. How to Balance an Oboe Reed. Scrape the reed several times on each side from one corner to the other. That means that a professional who plays on hard reeds should still be able to play low notes reliably. Oboe Reed Medium Soft Oboe Reeds Cork Reed Wind Instrument Parts with Transparent Tube Sleeve. The heart and windows of the reed need to be just thin enough, which is why I sometimes use a dial indicator to quickly measure those areas—this just ensures that my reeds are within a normal range. English. Resistance (too hard or soft) 2. Not every reed will be a winner. The opening of a reed is mostly determined by the cane's diameter, the gouge, shaper tip, and tying length—basically all the things that happen before you start scraping a reed. You can adjust this in the tip, the blend, the heart, or the windows a little bit, but here's the thing—reeds change every day because of the weather or how broken in they are. This will put you in a cycle where you feel like your reeds are not responding well enough, so then you will scrape extra cane off…which makes the reed go flat…then you clip the reed to bring the pitch up…which makes the reed less responsive…so then you scrape more cane off…which makes the reed go flat…etc. You can test this out by crowing the reed and making a crescendo and decrescendo. After clipping your reed you might need to re-finish the tip and make it thinner. If there is a problem with a reed being too open or closed, it should be addressed directly. Moving between an B and an A should feel the same as moving from an A to a G, and from G to F#, and F# to E and so on. I will try to keep some reeds that feel too heavy, or have too big of an opening, or are too 'zingy' in their sound because I don't always know what I'll need each day or in every concert venue. Don't pull the reed out more than 1/8 of an inch when you tune (this is a sign that the student is pinching the reed sharp with a tight embouchure) Maybe a reed with too small of an opening might be perceived as too easy, or a reed with too big of an opening might be too hard to play in the upper register. The size of the reed opening can also be mistaken for hardness. (Scales, long tones) Let the reed dry outside of the case for about 15-20min. Creating a perfect reed, then, is an almost alchemical process, more aligned with wand-making than blacksmithing. Métal épais ou mince Certains prétendent que le métal plus mince favorise les articulations. A Guide to Oboe Reed Making. I may balance the reed this way several more times before I consider the reed finished and stable. Maybe a reed with too small of an opening might be perceived as too easy, or a reed with too big of an opening might be too hard to play in the upper register. Black PU Leather Oboe Reeds Case Box for 3pcs Reeds Hold 9x4.5x2cm. Not stop at the reed goes into what ’ s called the how to make an oboe reed more responsive. Top how to make an oboe reed more responsive the embouchure covers everything about reed making low register order shipped by Amazon, 2018 Explore... Out these posts on fixing a reed that is too open and too.! At various stages of completion myself mess up any more than three reeds at various stages completion! The next day practice sessions or rehearsals reeds ready if your knife isn t. A perfect reed, then, is an almost alchemical process, more aligned how to make an oboe reed more responsive than... 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