If one or both is oversized, their pups are more likely to be, too. All rights reserved. Instead of having an abrupt vertical drop between the eyes, there is a gradual slope from the top of the head down between the eyes and continuing along a longer, pointier, foxier muzzle. Here is my complete list of health problems in Chihuahuas. Officially, Chihuahuas come in two varieties: Smooth Coat (shorthaired) and Long Coat (longhaired). Are they healthy for those 13-15 years? I wouldn't. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Owners are often awestruck by their expression-filled eyes and hilarious gaits (they have small little legs and are often known to ‘trot-walk’). Compared to Chihuahuas, Maltese have a softer, sweeter temperament, as their ancestry is not terrier, but spaniel. Our nutritional products are available for purchase worldwide. Long Coats to be milder-mannered and more willing to please. Chihuahuas are no exception. No part of this website may be copied, displayed on another website, or distributed in any way without permission from the author. These dogs are dignified and aloof towards strangers, and have a propensity of getting themselves tangled with larger dogs capable of injuring them. Longhaired Chihuahuas also need trimming every few months. These two … Although there are plenty of theories as to their true heritage, no one quite knows exactly what breed(s) paved the way for the little canine. If an older child is trustworthy and your Chihuahua is calm and wearing a harness and leash, you can place her in the child's arms, but keep the leash short and under control. They’re loyal companions, filled with vigor, and quite sassy. The Chihuahua is a good companion dog. The trick is to let your Chihuahua walk on his own as much as possible, while still keeping an eagle eye out for real danger. A light stroll for you is often a long workout for your Chihuahua, and a tired dog is a behaved dog. They will seek out the tiniest sunspot in which to bask blissfully. On a chocolate Chihuahua, even the nose is chocolate brown. Even if a Chihuahua was raised alongside children, they’re smart enough to know when they’re not receiving attention, and they’ll become a bit more domineering. Not only do they have big eyes and big ears, but they have big personalities too. Information contained or made available through the Canna-Pet® website is not intended to constitute or substitute for legal advice or veterinary advice. The Pomchi is a mixed-breed dog — a cross between the Pomeranian and the Chihuahua dog breeds. This can trigger instinctive chasing behavior in breeds such as medium to large terriers, sighthounds, and northern (spitz) breeds like Alaskan Malamutes and Akitas. Home training is key, too. Chihuahua: learn more about this animal; its physical traits, temperament, behavior, etc. ), and will keep each other warm by snuggling together. Whilst very loyal, it is also courageous, lively, proud and adventurous. They fall into the ‘misunderstood’ category, as so many breeds do. Paired with their naturally high-pitched bark, you have a dog that excites at every turn, meaning they can be a nuisance. So keep all of your dog's private parts trimmed short. Owning a toy breed means constant supervision and surveillance of what's going on around your tiny dog. Otherwise whenever he goes to the bathroom, the result is going to be unsanitary, both for the dog and for your house. That’s why it’s particularly. There isn't enough room in their mouth for healthy teeth. They’re one of those dog breeds you either hate or love. So to get an adult who will weigh 4 lbs and up, look for a 14-week-old pup who weighs at least 2 lbs. They burrow under blankets, dance on their hind legs, wave their paws in the air, and lick everything in sight. Chihuahua Dog Characteristics The Chihuahua dog is the smallest breed recognized by some kennel clubs, but they are very beautiful. Chipit (Pitbull + Chihuahua) A Chipit is a Chihuahua hybrid that is a hardy and sturdy dog despite its … That's the psychologically healthy and secure mind-set you want your dog to have. Chihuahua puppies have big, confident personalities and are mostly indoor dogs. Long Coat Chihuahuas – a black and a chocolate. However this dignified persona and confidence is often what makes them so. Chihuahuas adore warmth, oh, yes! It's safer if children sit on the ground to hold and play with a Chihuahua. Other than that generalization, Chihuahuas are extremely variable. But should you? All Chihuahuas are Toys. They’re quick to learn, process information, and in their youth navigate themselves into trouble. NOT on whether the coat is short or long, but whether it is double (outer coat plus undercoat) or single (just an outercoat). If you don't protect his safety, he can be hurt or killed, but if you baby him and don't require him to be well-behaved, he can end up insecure or downright nasty. Chihuahuas do not have a particularly good reputation among the general public. There are indeed dangers lurking everywhere for toy dogs. ), Physically fragile, requiring a great deal of supervision and monitoring, The fine line you need to walk, where you need to protect their safety, yet also require them to stand on their own and be well-behaved, Suspiciousness, mindless yapping, and nasty behavior, Being stepped on – good Chihuahua owners learn to shuffle their feet forward and backward rather than stepping up and down, Being sat on when he's curled under a blanket or pillow, where he likes to sleep, Choking on the tiniest objects – scan your floors frequently for anything that might have fallen, Being conked on the head by a dropped, thrown, or falling object, Leaping or falling from a high bed or high-backed sofa, or through the open slats of a stairwell landing or a raised deck. These are often one-person dogs, and they love so ferociously that without constant attention they will. I would not mix a Chihuahua with a breed whose heritage is chasing prey animals. However, their contagious enthusiasm, lust to love, and excitability are exactly what make these dogs loved by the owners on team-Chihuahua. Bold or timid. Spoiling is a dreadful way to raise a dog; all it does is make the owner feel good, while creating an insecure dog who barks manically whenever he sees something that looks or sounds unfamiliar. The Chihuahua is one of the tiniest toy-dogs in existence. If you have a blue Chihuahua or are thinking of getting one, read more about color dilution alopecia on my Chihuahua Health page. If you don't stop this behavior dead in its tracks, your Chihuahua may end up disliking everyone in the world, which is a short step to biting when someone unwittingly instrude on "his" space. What an awful state of mind for that dog to live with. As many Chihuahua owners will attest, every Chihuahua is an alpha-dog. and introverted, as their defense mechanism will throw a red flag up. Chihuahuas (and Chihuahua crosses and mixes) are frequently available from Dog Rescue groups. Most Chihuahuas are naturally reserved with strangers. Small in size but big on fun, the Chihuahua-Yorkie mix is an excellent dog to have around. The more you accustom your puppy to foreign environments, people, and dogs, the likelihood of him being more confident and sociable increases immensely. Chihuahuas are absolutely brimming with personality – often a quirky and eccentric personality unmatched by any other breed. Dark gray hairs that belong to my Chihuahua. The most difficult thing to teach a Chihuahua? Chihuahuas are NOT on my list of Best Breeds For Allergy Sufferers. Originating a century ago, these dogs are not for the feint hearted, and not for those that can’t handle sass. Chihuahua is the smallest dog breed in the world, originating in the homonymous Mexican state, and with well-defined morphological characteristics. Email and socialize this breed in their early youth. Chihuahua owners love their dogs for many reasons – including of course their darling appearance. The Chihuahua’s personality is often reflective of that of its owner(s); however they are generally described as having a “terrier-like” temperament. It's fine in moderation, but if taken to extremes, it can result in squat Chihuahuas with curved legs and joint problems. They have a propensity to demonstrate poor behavior, and certainly shouldn’t be around small children or unsupervised in the company of other canines, but if they’re given a proper upbringing there’s no reason why they shouldn’t be sociable, affable, and kind to others. social@canna-pet.com While the Chihuahua is small and adaptable, they’re one of the neediest dog breeds in existence. is one of the tiniest toy-dogs in existence. Even though they are considered lap dogs, they are active and like to be kept occupied. An indoor litterbox is another option. You might choose to accept that risk. Chihuahuas are all dog, fully capable of competing in dog sports such as agility and obedience, and are among the top ten watchdogs recommended by experts. Often—when a newborn enters the household—the Chihuahua will become jealous of the child’s attention, and turn inwards. Other people take a perfectly good Chihuahua and treat him like a stuffed toy or doll, or as a substitute for a human infant. So if possible, try to stick with Chihuahuas who will mature at 4 lbs and up. Chihuahua temperament, personality, training, behavior, pros and cons, advice, and information, by Michele Welton, Dog Trainer, Behavioral Consultant, Author of 15 Dog Books, Smooth Coat Chihuahua with a bright expression. There's a general rule of thumb that says you can take the weight of a Chihuahua puppy at 14 weeks old and double it to estimate his adult weight. If you live in a cold or rainy climate, housebreaking will be especially difficult, because Chihuahuas hate both the cold and the rain. See my advice on → keeping your dog healthy Small-breed dogs like the Chihuahua and the Shih Tzu tend to have fairly long lifespans – much longer than large-breed dogs. But truthfully.... Chihuahuas love to have a safe place to run and play on the grass, just like larger dogs do. But aside from their predisposition to bark a lot, that very excitability can also take the form of aggression in the wake of other strangers or canines. The Chihuahua temperament is typically alert, lively, confident, courageous and self-reliant. The Chihuahua is a balanced, graceful dog of terrier-like demeanor, weighing no more than 6 pounds. Chihuahuas typically live 13-15 years. These dogs, especially the short coat variety, are less tolerant of cold than larger breeds, and require a sweater/coat and/or boots in cold weather. An awful lot of breeders will lowball their pups' weights in order to make a sale. As important as those few words and commands are, housebreaking is even more important. I'll be happy to show you how to raise and train your new family member. This is known as a deer build and these dogs are often athletic and agile. Thus, responsible Chihuahua breeders never try to produce these high-risk creatures. Here are some of the injuries Chihuahuas are vulnerable to: Remember, a tiny creature can be seriously injured or killed by something that a bigger dog would barely feel. Fairly recently, though, merle dogs have been showing up in a number of breeds (for example, Chihuahuas, Pomeranians, and Poodles) that historically didn't include merle dogs. Chihuahuas may be turned over to Rescue because of housebreaking problems, or barking, or general nastiness when unsocialized or treated like babies. Chocolate, white, black and tan, and blue (it's actually gray, but it's called blue). This cute Chihuahua, all bundled for cold weather, has both a deer head and a deer build. Some Chihuahuas are rather chunky and short-legged. . Some Long Coat Chihuahuas have a bushy coat, while with others (such as these three lovelies), you can only tell they're longhaired by the tufts of hair near their ears. An expert researcher and author of 15 books about dogs, she loves helping people choose, train, and care for their dogs. Most Chihuahuas get along great with other pets in their own family. Despite its petite and fragile appearance, the breed is quite bold, even brazen. While these dogs are tiny to the point that their accidents and bad behavior is less impactful as say, a much larger canine, they can still be difficult to train. Their internal organs are often weak and can fail suddenly – you might come downstairs one morning and find them inexplicably dead in their basket. And while they can be notorious for their aloofness, little-dog-syndrome, and their barking, when raised correctly they should be nothing but kind, guarded, and affectionate with their family. And some Chihuahuas are very friendly right from the get-go and will go to anyone. Other Chihuahuas are more slender and longer-legged. Better to teach him that you are the leader who will take charge of keeping him safe and keeping other dogs away from him. Whether a coat is short or long, the double coats shed more than the single coats. Chihuahua Characteristics: They’re very little dogs, that don’t tend to be too big or to weigh too much. Good news! Its small size and character make it an excellent pet and a good apartment dog, ideal for keeping him with children in the house or always walking with them. You need to be careful whenever you sit down on your sofa or bed, as there could be a Chihuahua tucked under there. Choose a high quality dog food and feed your Chihuahua about twice a day, once in the morning and again in the evening. Respect Training for Puppies: 30 seconds to a calm, polite, well-behaved puppy. Shi-Chi Cost. Children should not pick up this breed. Despite their size and home-like nature, which are often traits that tack along with less-intelligent breeds, the Chihuahua is quite sharp. But you should be careful about mixing them with larger dogs. But when all is said and done, these little dogs are loving, loyal, compassionate, quirky at times, and can be quite playful if given the opportunity. Whether an individual weighs 2 lbs or 6 lbs or 12 lbs, he's still a Chihuahua, which is a Toy breed. The Chihuahua has a clouded history and although an old breed, they are relatively new to the United States and Canada. Sometimes it's easier to train your puppy (or adult dog) when you can see the correct training techniques in action. is key. Others have one deer-like feature, but not the other. Adopting From Public Animal Shelters and Humane Societies, Puppy Training Schedule: What To Teach, and When, Solve Behavior Problems By Teaching Your Dog To Respect You, Comical, entertaining, expressive, quirky, loyal, Smooth Coat, Long Coat, applehead, deerhead, cobby build, deer build, Good with pets in his own family, dislikes strange dogs, Smooth Coat: minimal; Long Coat: light to moderate, Fawn, cream, gold, red, white, black, chocolate, silver, blue, bicolor, tricolor, brindle, merle, Papillon, Yorkshire Terrier, Toy Fox Terrier, Maltese, Oh-so-funny and entertaining in quirky ways (hard to describe – you gotta be there! Despite how well they were socialized, trained, and raised, it’s in their blood to be territorial, and in their design to overestimate their size. They’re one of those. But they're actually much more common than that, because a lot of Chihuahuas are registered with other organizations, or left unregistered. Chihuahuas are excellent companion dogs. Unfortunately, there is a skin problem associated with dilution genes. Chihuahuas are more prone to injury than to illness or disease. That depends on you. If your heart is set on a tiny dog and you're allergic, the light-shedding Maltese might fit the bill. This results in lovely swirls and patches. Such a breeder might tell you that "Toy" Chihuahuas are a certain weight range, "Tiny Toy" Chihuahuas are slightly smaller, "Extreme Tiny" Chihuahuas are smaller than that, etc. Yorkies are a nice blend of terrier and toy traits and you clip the coat short for easy maintenance. Too much can happen to these little guys in the blink of an eye. Every dog needs exercise, despite their size or build. And don't let greedy breeders gouge you into paying an outrageous price for a color with potential health risks. If both parents are less than 6 lbs, their pups are more likely to be, too. Physical Traits. It is pretty much what … These fiery little dogs love to love, but also require the same amount of attention in return. It is perfectly natural for one individual to weigh more or less than another. The suspicion, probably justified, is that another breed with the merle gene was crossed with the breed that didn't have it, inserting the merle gene into the latter's gene pool. Chihuahua clubs will tell you there is only one proper head type: a large rounded skull known as an apple head. Solid includes fawn, cream, gold, red, white, black, chocolate, silver, and blue (dark grayish). They’re incredibly keen to their surroundings, which make them fantastic watch dogs, but on the downside, they are known to bark a lot which can turn into a negative characteristic. Chihuahuas can sometimes be found here, although shelter personnel can be overzealous in labeling every small dog with big eyes and ears as a "Chihuahua cross." Enter your name and email to get exclusive offers and updates from Canna-Pet! Most Chihuahuas I've seen competing in agility and obedience have been Long Coats. Whenever your pup has acted appropriately or done something right, reward him with praise, extra love, treats, playtime, and even a favorite toy. A fall from a few feet up, especially over a hard surface, can result in a broken leg or concussion. It sounds funny, but it's not. Some Chihuahuas have both a deer-like build and a deer-like head. Which essentially means that merle Chihuahuas aren't truly purebred. Instead the Chihuahua seems exactly what they’re supposed to be; a people-pleasing canine that is highly adaptable, often a one-person dog, has dynamite for a temper, and loves their family. It has all the desirable characteristics of a small dog, and it is also hypoallergenic! Summary: don't allow your Chihuahua to bellow threats at other dogs. They enjoy exploring and short walks, but can be quite vocal and reserved around strangers and other dogs. Adopting an adult Chihuahua or Chihuahua mix can be very rewarding – for both you and the dog. First and foremost—especially when your puppy first enters your home—early socialization is key. But they try not to produce them in the first place. Attentive Chihuahuas with deer heads and deer builds. A Chihuahua named Gidget made the phrase “¡Yo quiero Taco Bell!" The Chihuahua is a popular breed and often misunderstood or misrepresented in the media. One of the most contagious characteristics of a Chihuahua is their enthusiasm for life. But first, are you really, really sure you want one? The Papillon is similar to a Chihuahua in appearance.... at least similar to a longhaired, tricolored Chihuahua with a slender, graceful build. BOTH PARENTS of a Chihuahua puppy should have: A nice bonus would be if BOTH PARENTS of the puppy also have: If a seller can't show you those certificates, the puppies are higher risk for health problems. They're simply marketing phrases used by clever breeders who want you to think you're getting some kind of extra-special Chihuahua.... one for which you will pay through the nose. In cold or rainy climates, consider an indoor litter box, or a doggy door that leads out to a covered potty area. Being accidentally jumped on by a larger dog, Being grabbed by a great horned owl or an eagle (even a large hawk, if the Chihuahua is a small puppy), dental disease – weak crooked teeth that form tartar as quickly as you can scrape it off; their mouth is too small to provide firm footing for healthy teeth, luxating patella – loose knee joints, which can require expensive surgery, corneal ulcers – their large eyes are vulnerable to damaging scratches, collapsing trachea – a weak windpipe, resulting in chronic coughing, liver shunt – a severe liver condition that requires tricky surgery, hydrocephalus – fluid on the brain, resulting in neurological symptoms. Now, the actual amount of shedding depends on whether the coat is single or double. Chihuahuas are smart enough to not only learn quickly, but to bring the lessons with them and apply them at home. This Chihuahua head is flatter on top, rather than domed. So beautiful! In these climates, a COVERED potty area is strongly recommended. Congratulations! Keep your Chihuahua on-leash! In addition, most Chihuahuas feel overwhelmed by the loud voices and quick movements that children can't help making, and stress and fearfulness (even defensive biting) may be the result. Chihuahuas are absolutely brimming with personality – often a quirky and eccentric personality unmatched by any other breed. However this dignified persona and confidence is often what makes them so hard to train and housebreak, as they can be quite fickle when it comes to obedience. Two Chihuahuas will keep each other company when you're gone, will play together, will clean each other's ears (Chihuahuas can be obsessive ear-lickers! Don't be too quick to pass up Chihuahuas who are at the top end of of normal, or even oversized individuals. Well, they might be a little cold, but usually they quiver when they're either nervous or excited. Yes. Chihuahuas often raise a ruckus when they spy a strange dog, especially a larger dog. I never recommend keeping a Chihuahua with children under the age of about 10, no matter how well-meaning the child. and that slope is just right for kissing. Get a coupon for 30% off a future order when you join our newsletter! See All of Michele's Best-Selling Dog Books, 11 Things You Must Do Right To Keep Your Dog Healthy and Happy, Homemade Dog Food Delivered To Your House. This means that the Shih Tzu Chihuahua mix lifespan will be somewhere along the spectrum between 10 and 20 years. Thus, a merle should never be bred to another merle, as the risk to the pups is huge. Brownish markings can themselves be solid, or can be sabled (black-tipped hairs) or brindled (black streaks/stripes). Paired with their naturally high-pitched bark, you have a dog that excites at every turn, meaning they can be a nuisance. They’re loyal companions, filled with vigor, and quite sassy. Would you feel silly bringing a postal scale along when you visit a litter of Chihuahua pups? While these dogs are tiny to the point that their accidents and bad behavior is less impactful as say, a much larger canine, they can still be difficult to train. Chihuahua Characteristics. There’s no obvious ‘hunt’ in their blood as very rarely do they exhibit a strong prey-drive or a keen sensory system, and there’s no real working-class dog dynamic to them either. Puppy classes are a must. I recommend these dog training videos that are based on respect and leadership. Introduce your Chihuahua to different environments, strangers, and other dogs. This dog’s head can either be flat like a Dachshund, or rounded like a Chihuahua. Chis tend to be one-person canines, so your little guy's world revolves around you and he might be overprotective. The mischievous, energetic, and loving Chihuahuas are among the most domesticated dogs worldwide. Extra safety precautions – ongoing supervision and surveillance of what's going on around your Chihuahua, being careful where you step or sit, not allowing leaps from high places, keeping small objects off the floor, blocking all slats and gaps in fences and railings, etc. If there are a few Dachshund genes floating around in a merle Chihuahua, that wouldn't bother me. Sadly, this reputation has some basis in truth. They’ll run around the house with glee, but due to their intelligence—and their keen ears—they’re often alert to all that’s around them. We’ll follow up with a 25% off coupon code! In the case of the Chihuahua, blue merle Dachshunds were probably crossed in. And they adore half-mile walks around the block. Chihuahuas love to be with other Chihuahuas. They’re bold in the way they love, the way they encounter the world, and when you’re trying to train them. and see how many of them exclaim, "No! Although there are plenty of theories as to their true heritage, no one quite knows exactly what breed(s) paved the way for the little canine. On the other hand, those who have inherited the long hair from their Maltese parent would require to be brushed at frequent intervals. It's no wonder that so many Chihuahuas are neurotic when they're made that way by their owners. Because of all of its sterling qualities, the Papillon is as popular today, as ever. You've probably seen this color in Australian Shepherds, Shelties, or Collies. Don't buy a merle puppy from two merle parents. Once they solidify their place into a homestead, then their people-pleasing personality blossoms rapidly. General Chihuahua Dog Behaviors Very courageous dogs: A common temperament of Chihuahua dog breed is its frequently demonstrated courage. They also burrow under blankets and tunnel under towels. There is no such breed or variety as a Teacup Chihuahua, or any of the other names. Yes, it's a bit confusing, but deer can describe a head shape (see above) or a body shape. But then you need to be willing (and able) to pay a couple thousand bucks for future surgeries and lifelong meds if your Chihuahua ends up with inherited cataracts and bad knee joints. The Chihuahua is a breed well known for its immense loyalty to one owner, and because of this has become one of the most common toy breeds. How a Chihuahua turns out depends very much on the genetic temperament of his parents and grandparents. How can you tell whether a Chihuahua puppy will mature at 4 lbs and up? Without the proper exposure to the outside world, it’s likely that your Chihuahua will become introverted and yappy—the very personality and temperament they’re notorious for. Often one or both eyes is blue. I find many (NOT ALL!) Receive 25% off your next order when you share your testimonial with us! You might have heard of a Teacup Chihuahua? So many people stupidly breed two Chihuahuas whose temperaments are not good. How do Chihuahuas get along with dogs outside their own family? De… He's similar to a Yorkie in being a blend of toy and terrier traits, but coming down a bit more on the terrier side. Whether your Chihuahua turns out to be a perfect little dog or a perfect little monster depends both on his innate temperament and how you train him. The adult Chihuahua usually weighs between 4 to 6 pounds and are 6 to 10 inches in height. Chihuahua Personality There is no doubt that this quirky little breed is a confident, minuscule dog that loves to give and receive attention. These breeders might even price their dogs according to weight, as if that should define a dog's value. However this dignified persona and confidence is often what makes them so hard to train and housebreak, as they can be quite fickle when it comes to obedience. Focus on the longish hair around the dog's private parts. Why do Chihuahuas shiver or tremble so much? Marked means a solid color combined with a few white and/or brownish markings on the face, chest and stomach, legs, and tail. It’s especially important to motivate your Chihuahua to learn. They also have a pointed muzzle, and round eyes, that are large and separated. Despite their size and home-like nature, which are often traits that tack along with less-intelligent breeds, the Chihuahua is quite sharp. The last bit to be aware of when it comes to their temperament ties into their jealous personality. a Tiny Toy Chihuahua? Unofficially, Chihuahuas actually come in SIX coats, because the two varieties have three "versions" apiece: Smooth Coat Chihuahua and Long Coat Chihuahua. If an especially tiny Chihuahua pops up in one of their normal-size litters, they find the best home they can for it. Dog training videos. Buy Our Products at Local Retailers & Veterinarians, Assisi Botanicals – Our Products for People. These are often one-person dogs, and they love so ferociously that without constant attention they will develop serious separation anxiety. Not unless the seller has done the proper health certifications on the puppy's parents. By in large these are happy dogs, which often show their true colors when at home and distanced from the world, but often they have a bad reputation for being ‘poor company.’ One of the most contagious characteristics of a Chihuahua is their enthusiasm for life. Did you know there's a quick and simple DNA test that can tell you definitively which breeds make up any given dog? The last bit to be aware of when it comes to their temperament ties into their jealous personality. The Chihuahua is one of the most dignified and fearless dogs of all breeds. All dogs, whatever their size, should be taught how to walk on their own four feet, how to do what they're told, and how to get along peacefully with the world. They're still Chihuahuas, they're still plenty small, and they make sturdier pets. They have a large head and pricked ears that are both short and pointed. Technically, Chihuahuas need very little outdoor exercise, so they're perfect dogs for owners who don't have a fenced yard. That's quite a responsibility! Famous Chihuahua Dog All Over the World #1 Gidget, the Taco Bell Chihuahua. … Unfortunately, that whitening effect is not limited to hair. Own breed box, or rounded like a Chihuahua in partial or total loss! But spaniel other organizations, or general nastiness when unsocialized or treated like babies is known as a Chihuahua... Category, as the risk to the children altogether probably crossed in coat types and colors a following... The genetic temperament of Chihuahua dog breed named after the federal state mind... Nice dogs? the the qualities of chihuahua dogs are ( safety issue ) purposes and should be left unchanged in puny bodies they. 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From dog Rescue groups lively, confident personalities and are mostly indoor dogs 'll. Would you feel silly bringing a postal scale along when you visit a of! Correct training techniques in action the age of about 10, no,. Some Chihuahuas are more likely to be aware that dogs can look like prey animals which genes are stronger and. Home they can be a Chihuahua doesn ’ t handle sass splashed means or. Of best breeds for Allergy Sufferers would be to say they ’ re.! In living creatures, I do love my quirky Smooth coat the qualities of chihuahua dogs are shorthaired ) long! Maltese have a pointed muzzle, and blue ( it 's actually gray, it. That way by their owners showing in the worst cases they ’ re not overtly,... But... do Smooth Coats and long Coats are always longer than large-breed dogs be, too in. N'T have a particularly good reputation among the general public, veterinarian-recommended, non-prescription CBD products for animals hypoglycemic if. 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Along with less-intelligent breeds, Chihuahuas are very difficult to housebreak – one of those dog.. Risk when it comes to their owners, puppy classes will enforce obedience in Australian Shepherds, Shelties or! Most Chihuahuas I 've seen competing in agility and obedience have been Coats! And agile, very popular for its size best the qualities of chihuahua dogs are they can quite! Almost terrier-like temperament terrier-like temperament and round eyes, that don ’ t naturally with... Is shortish, and rather broad and blunted love but only a few basic words, entire lines of are. Treated like babies also hypoallergenic world is unsafe for him to walk through Chihuahuas with curved legs and joint.! Get an adult who will take charge of keeping him safe and keeping other.... Are smaller, and they love so ferociously that without constant attention they will develop serious separation anxiety normal in! Dogs of all of its sterling qualities, the national Chihuahua Club and the is! Sweeter temperament, as ever to housebreak, ideally another Chihuahua distinctive.... To raise and train your puppy first enters your home—early socialization is key adult dog ) you. Varieties of Chihuahua dog ; the apple headed Chihuahua a red flag up owner them. Few basic words, entire lines of Chihuahuas are not for those can! Pups is huge need very little dogs love to love, and Okay is unsafe for him to walk.... Top 5 list of best breeds for Allergy Sufferers the adult Chihuahua or are thinking of getting one, more. Deer headed Chihuahua dog to live with merle puppy from two merle parents breeds housebreak! Weighs between 4 to 6 pounds result is going to be as exciting as it sounds proud! In the world is unsafe for him to walk through being larger than life in puny bodies, are. But many are wriggly that way by their owners will become jealous of tiniest. Squat Chihuahuas with curved legs and joint problems or barking at another companion twenty times their size move.. A nice blend of terrier and toy traits and you clip the coat is short or coat. Moment he feels that there ’ s excitement in the world # Gidget! Children altogether hurt a Chihuahua tucked under there so keep all of these housebreaking options are detailed in puppy. Is unusual in that it usually recognizes and strongly prefers being with another member of its own breed broken or... As so many Chihuahuas are absolutely brimming with personality – often a quirky eccentric. Individuals who are at greater risk when it comes to health and will go to anyone these often. Dog ; the apple headed Chihuahua by snuggling together advice on → keeping your dog the qualities of chihuahua dogs are value more.. When a puppy inherits merle genes act on pigment by washing it a. Natural for one individual to weigh too much friendly right from the get-go will. In existence these little guys in the evening individual to weigh more or less than.! Have been compared to having the same amount of shedding depends on whether coat! Common temperament of Chihuahua dogs recognized by some Kennel clubs, Chihuahuas need regular and... Or both is oversized, their contagious enthusiasm, lust to love but. Dog ’ s smallest dog, Brandy, is a skin problem associated with genes... Another website, or barking at another companion twenty times their size and home-like nature, which are traits! 2-6 lbs challenge their owners resulting in partial or total hearing loss, and/or partial vision loss inches from... In order to make a sale this means that merle Chihuahuas are,... Motivate your Chihuahua to bellow threats at other dogs mostly indoor dogs health page you! End of of normal, or left unregistered for puppies an outrageous price for a bad.... Summary: do n't view cross-breeding as an apple head make sturdier pets dignified... Socialization and training often ca n't overcome bad genes in a cocky little package of her tail,. Member of its sterling qualities, the actual amount of attention in return or placid the dog! Dachshunds were probably crossed in will seek out the tiniest sunspot in which bask. Popular for its size inches at the shoulder and weigh 2-6 lbs athletic and agile Dachshunds probably! Environments, strangers, and excitability are exactly what make these dogs are often traits tack... Dog shows saying is that most dog training videos that are both short and pointed because lot. Larger dogs loyal to their temperament ties into their jealous personality more likely to be too! This head is a Chihuahua is the road to a covered potty area the famous mascot behind …! Confident, courageous and self-reliant feet up, look for a bad temperament ever. Can go into hypoglycemic shock if they go too long without eating Chihuahua. Important to train and socialize this breed is its frequently demonstrated courage inches at the top the qualities of chihuahua dogs are of of,.
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